Monday, September 21, 2009

Music Piracy and how to combat it

I love music, you love music, we all love music, so why isn't it free?

An ongoing problem exists and has existed since cassette tapes were invented, possibly longer, maybe even back to the day's of reel-to-reel. This problem is music piracy.

Music piracy shouldn't be a problem, not today, but history has shown that if you can get something for free most will. With the advent of the internet and peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing music, video, and software piracy has gone nuts. With the added bandwidth people can download files in a matter of minutes depending on the size. I know a lot of people with thousands of songs in their collection of which very few were legally obtained.

But it doesn't need to be like this. There is a solution, trouble is that the music industry hasn't thought about it, yet. The answer is in the ISP's around the world. Nokia's got it right, a standard service for a flat rate that gets you unlimited access to music all for a flat subscription fee. Why not put that back through the ISP's? Why can't a part of my monthly internet fee be redirected to the publishers? And then I can download what ever I feel like?

Let's put it this way, I currently pay $90 per month for 90GB of downloads, why can't $10 go back to the recording industry? If every single person that pays for internet paid $10 per month back into the industry and then was authorised to download as much music as they wanted, the industry would, in theory, be millions of dollars better off, plus the customers would be happy, as would the actual recording artists.

Why can't people see this? I would even be willing to increase my monthly fee up $10 just so I could legally download music and movies(?).

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Wow, I did it.

Short but sweet: I deleted my Twitter account, OMG, it's gone, thank the gods.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Sick of it

Absolutely sick of it. My wife and I work one normal job each, her from 7:30AM till 12:30PM Monday through Friday, I work a full time Net Admin job 9:30AM till 6PM Monday through Friday, plus an additional semi-full time job from 7PM till late 5 nights a week, not always the same nights either. My wife can't work a proper full time job because someone has to look after the kids, pick them up from school and drop the littlest one off to the baby sitter. It's not fair.

My full time job pays well, her work pays OK, but then for the hours it is better than can be expected, yet we still struggle. And it's not like we spend a lot on non-necessities, actually we don't spend on anything we don't need. There's the car payment, the rent, the phone and internet, school fees, telephone bills, etc... All come out of my "monthly" pay check, with the weekly pay's from my second job and her job we live, buy groceries, and keep petrol in the car, but that's it.

Why is it that today most "middle" class families struggle? Our lifestyle sucks, we just want to have a bit of time and money to be able to enjoy our lives. We haven't even been out to dinner in over 6 months, and it's been over 2 years since my wife have been on a "date."

Come on life, surely we're not the only ones? Anyone else like this?

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Hello, World

OK, World, this is my first blog that doesn't limit me to 140 characters :)

Let's get some preliminaries out of the way:

1. Everything expressed in this blog is my opinion, period. If you disagree with my opinion go for it, I've got a very openly closed mind and will take what you say with a grain of salt (preferably disolved in acid first).

2. Feel free to comment, I like arguments

3. This blog will cover so many topics I haven't even had time to think of any yet.
a. Tech
b. Life
c. News
d. Work (LOL)
e. George (not sure who George is but we'll cover him)
f. Politics (refer to item number 1 in this regards)
g. Music
h. Money

OK, any questions?
